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Meet Our Monsterous Team

Our team is comprised of a group of wildly creative artists, fabricators, sculptors, technicians, and skilled craftspeople who bring imaginative, turn-key specialty fabrications to life! The result of our collaborations is always innovative and memorable.

James A Powell

Vice President of Design


If creativity could be bottled and sold, James would make a fortune. He has oodles of the stuff. As a child prodigy, James began building models, but they weren’t any ordinary models like most of us have built – from a kit – passing out from the smell of glue. These were models of towns, mountains, trains, and more, and were often made from scratch. Only one word can apply to this type of dedication and talent. Nerd. Yes, James is a nerd, but only in the best ways. He can create just about anything you can think of and do it in convincing fashion.


Having done projects for companies such as Disney, Paramount Pictures, the Cartoon Network, Sony and others, as well as projects for notable celebrities and high profile clients, James has been able to apply years of industry experience to helping Monster City develop memorable, award-winning creations. We’re still searching for ways to bottle all that creativity.

Andy Anderson

Concept Artist and Sculptor


Andy says he’s been drawing and creating his entire life. Being the youngest and newest member of our creative team, we just tell him that’s a fairly short period of time. Oh sure, he may have graduated from the Academy of Art University in San Francisco and can get a pretty cool design created for any project in near record time, but he’s still subject to hazing because we just remind him he’s supposed to respect his elders and this is simply our way of welcoming him into the group. We think he’s beginning to doubt what we’re telling him.


You can usually find Andy either in front of a computer working on one or more designs (we believe in multi-tasking and, of course, there is the hazing part), or he’s out in the shop covered from head to toe with foam or painting something with more paint on him than the object. He’s smiling regardless. We kind of like that.

Ray Guiterrez 

Production Lead


Ray never stops moving. He is constantly running to keep projects on schedule and usually has a lot of balls in the air. In a former life Ray may have even been a famous juggler. Perhaps ‘The Great Raymundo?’ In addition to keeping everyone and everything on-task in the shop, Ray is an accomplished metal fabricator with an artisan’s touch. He’s also quite adept at most of the trades including electrical, plumbing, carpentry and more.


We always know when Ray is close to the shop each morning. You can hear the pipes of his beloved Harley roaring and radio blasting out oldies tunes from at least a block away. We’ve all developed ringing in our ears and are planning group sign language classes because of the hearing loss.

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